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The Dos and Don'ts of Summer Skincare: Expert Advice

The summer season has arrived! During this time of year, the intense heat feels unusual. Heat wave warnings are on the rise. No longer is it time for sunshine and fun; now it's all about stressed-out skin. Do not fret; you are not by yourself. Warm temperatures, perspiration, and excessive sunlight can result in your skin appearing lackluster, agitated, or prone to breakouts. Do not be afraid! Some small adjustments to your daily habits can help you maintain healthy and radiant skin throughout the entire season.

All you need to counteract the sun and heat is a summer skin care routine. By having the perfect skincare routine for summer, you can dominate the season while maintaining healthy and glowing skin. Here are some simple tips that will help you care for your skin and achieve glowing skin throughout the summer season!

Your Summer Skincare Superpowers: Do This!

  • Clean Like a Dream

You all must be aware of this first step of your skincare routine, "cleansing." However, the key point is “gentle cleanser”. Picture rubbing sandpaper on your face—oh no! Say no to harsh cleaners, especially in the summer heat. Strong cleansers can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. This can increase your skin's vulnerability to sun damage and early aging in the summer. Use mild cleansers to keep your skin looking healthy and glowing throughout the entire summer season.

  • Buff Away the Dullness

Exfoliation is like a magic trick for your face. It gently removes dead skin cells, revealing the brighter, smoother skin hiding underneath. But be gentle! Over-exfoliating can cause irritation and damage to your skin. Limit exfoliation to 2-3 times a week for best results.

But here’s the catch! For exfoliation, avoid scrubs; instead, try using chemical exfoliants like AHAs or BHAs for a more gentle approach that still delivers effective results. These ingredients work to dissolve dead skin cells without the risk of causing micro-tears in the skin, like physical scrubs can. They're less abrasive than scrubs, and they help your skin regenerate.

  • Moisturize, but Keep it Light

Do not be deceived by the sunny weather! Even on warm days, it is important to never skip using moisturizer. Believe it or not, oily skin also requires hydration—your skin, not just you, needs a good dose of water! All skin requires sufficient hydration in order to remain healthy and maintain its natural barrier.

Finding a moisturizer that is both light and free of oil is the key. Consider it like exchanging your winter coat for a light summer dress. This will help maintain your skin's balance and keep it hydrated without causing pore blockages. Abandon the thick creams and opt for a gel-based formula that does not contain oil. Search for components such as hyaluronic acid; it functions as a small magnet that draws in moisture to your skin, maintaining its plumpness and happiness.

  • Sunscreen is Your Summer BFF

Sun Protection? Not optional, my friend! Summer might be all sunshine and good vibes, but those rays can be sneaky. Here's the thing: sun damage is no joke. It can age your skin way faster than you'd like and even increase your risk of skin cancer. Yikes! So, the key is to be a shield for your skin. Make applying sunscreen a daily habit, even on cloudy days. Think of it like giving your skin a superhero suit—it blocks out the bad stuff and keeps you healthy and glowing.

  • Reapplying your sunscreen

We all know it's important, like a knight in shining armor for our skin. But here's the thing: that knight needs backup sometimes! Reapplying sunscreen every two hours is key, especially if you're sweating or swimming. Think of it like topping off your sun shield—you got to keep that protection strong! And don't forget those sneaky spots—ears, neck, hands—they all want some sunscreen love too.

    Summer Ready with Fresh Fruits
    • Water is essentially your skin's best friend, so drink up for glowing skin.

    It is common knowledge that we should aim for eight glasses of water each day in order to stay hydrated, but let us face it—sometimes, plain old water can get boring. Here's a suggestion: consider adding some fruit to your water to liven it up, like cucumber or lemon! It will provide a taste explosion, keep you feeling revitalized, and give your skin a radiant, healthy glow from the inside out.

    Concerned about drinking too much water? Or do you end up bloating?

    Calm down! Instead, have foods high in water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and celery, to help hydrate your skin. Consider it a two-fold benefit for glowing skin!

    Summer Skincare Sabotage: Don't Do This!

    Ugh, skincare routines can feel so complicated sometimes and even mentally agonizing! Honestly, it can be easier to just focus on what not to do, you know? Avoiding those major skincare blunders can seriously make your skin look like a million bucks. Don't forget, the most important thing for keeping your skin beautiful and healthy is prevention. Keep in mind these don'ts to protect your skin from summer skincare sabotage. 

    • Washing Away Your Glow

    Over-washing your face can remove the natural oils, causing dryness and irritation to the skin. Adhere to cleansing twice a day, or opt for just once in the evening for certain skin types (especially dry and sensitive skin).

    • Makeup Mischief

    We all love rocking fun makeup, but heavy creams and oily stuff can block your pores, causing pimples. Instead, try lighter skin care products that won't clog your skin. And remember to take your makeup off before bed! It's like letting your skin breathe at night so it wakes up happy and fresh.

    • Sunbathing like a reptile? Hold On!

    A little sunshine helps your body make something called vitamin D, which is good for you. But lying out all day isn't a good idea. When the sun is really strong (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.), find some shade, wear a hat, and put on sunglasses. Your skin will be much happier!

    • Don't play doctor!

    The internet has tons of advice on how to fix your skin yourself, and some of it might be okay. But the truth is, trying to figure out your own skin problems can make things worse, even mentally agonizing. If you see weird bumps, redness, or sun damage, don't play doctor! See a dermatologist; they're the skin experts! They can tell you exactly what's wrong and how to get your skin healthy again.

    These simple steps can help prevent premature aging and keep your skin looking radiant all summer.

    Remember, this is just a starting point! Consult your dermatologist for personalized recommendations.

    Shine On All Summer Long!

    You can maintain healthy and glowing skin throughout the summer season by adhering to these easy skincare tips. And for a skincare plan that's unique to you, consider talking to a board-certified dermatologist, like your skin's own personal stylist!

    Want to share your summer glow tips with everyone you know? Pass this blog on to your friends and family.