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10 Simple Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Well-being

Living in a fast world, we often find it hard to keep fit because of our tight schedules, and the idea of working on mental health during such moments seems so distant. At present, there is more emphasis on physical rather than mental health. People forget that there is a connection between both mental and physical states. In reality, it is your mental health and wellness that will make you a happy, resilient, and overall healthy human being.

Most times, people talk about mental health only when they are overwhelmed and a crisis hits them. Nevertheless, if the culture of these routines becomes an essential part of our lives, this could lead us to a fuller and more balanced existence. More importantly still prioritizing mental well-being should not be complicated. It is these small daily choices that can make all the difference in one’s life on earth today. So breathe out slowly; let go of the pressure, and then try to practice well ten simple ways to nurture your mind towards serenity and joyousness.

Tips for Mental Health: Prioritizing Your Mental Well-being

Tips for good mental health

1. Embrace Mindfulness and Meditation

    There is so much noise in our minds, and it is exhausting at times. However, mindfulness practices can provide an excellent solution to this tedious occupation. Meditation may help you focus on the present moment and come in touch with your breath, thereby bringing peace of mind and reducing stress. Here are some interesting ways to try mindfulness:

    • The "Raisin Meditation": One popular exercise that is frequently implemented in mindfulness training is the so-called “Raisin Meditation.” Put a raisin in your mouth and feel its taste, smell, texture, and so on. In essence, all that you have to do is to feel a raisin under your skin, which will be rather grounding.
    Raisin Meditation
    • The "Body Scan Meditation": This practice involves lying in a relaxed position and focusing all your attention on different parts of the body one after the other. Take your time and notice how each part feels; whether tense, relaxed, cold, or warm without being judgmental. Engage in this exercise to become more responsive to your body and alleviate built-up stress.
    • The "Walking Meditation": Take a walk in natural surroundings while paying attention to the feeling of your feet on the ground. Observe where you are, and smell the flowers and trees around you. This experience is another way to get outside and ease yourself.

    Want to understand the art of making meditation part of your daily routine? Read here!

    2. Schedule Self-Care Activities (And Actually Do Them!)

    Feeling a bit drained lately? We all do sometimes! Self-care is like giving yourself a big hug to recharge. Treat yourself with the same kindness and care you'd give a loved one.

    Here are some tips for improving mental health that are super easy on your wallet:

    • DIY Spa Night: Dim the lights, light some candles (the tea light kind is safe!), and draw a warm bath. Pop on a face mask you made with some yogurt and honey—yum!
    • Phone-Free Weekend Challenge: Hide your phone for a whole weekend! Read a book in the park, bake cookies with a friend, or just listen to the birds sing.
    Phone free weekend
    • Be a beginner again! Learn something new for free with YouTube videos! You could try drawing cartoons, juggling (with socks! ), or a new dance style.

      Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish; it's like putting on your own oxygen mask first—you gotta be happy and healthy to help others!

      3. Make Time For The Fun Stuff

      All work and no play makes you dull. I know you must have read this proverb somewhere; now is the time to practice it. But, uh, oh, feeling like a hamster on a wheel lately? Life shouldn't be all work and no playtime! Make some space for the things that make your heart do a happy dance. We're talking hobbies you can't wait to get stuck into or activities that make you forget all about the time (in a good way!).

      Here are some tips for good mental health to get your happy meter bouncing:

      • Be a dancing machine: Learn a cool new dance style! Would you like to try something energetic like salsa or hip-hop, or maybe something twirly like a princess? It's a way to move your body, make new friends, and be a superstar (even if it's just in your PJs at home!).
      • Book a club with your besties: Get your best friends together and start your own book club. Read exciting new books together, chat about the ones you loved as a kid, and just have a blast talking about stories. It's a way to make friends, have fun, and discover even more amazing books!
      • Become a superhero without the cape: No cape, no problem! Do you have a passion for something like saving animals or the planet? You can offer to help out anytime! It gives you that warm feeling inside and also makes the world better!
      Furry Friend and your mental health

      4. Strike A Healthy Work-Life Balance

      Like work is swallowing you whole? Work can be such a beast at times, but it will even spoil our fun times if we neglect it. Below are some tips on how to fight back and ensure that work doesn’t always win:

      • Leave work at your workplace:  Create some kind of special closing-hours routine to enable your brain to relax. That laptop should be closed, those documents put away, or maybe just go around the block.
      • No phone area: Identify some places in your house where devices such as tablets and phones are prohibited. This way, you separate yourself from work and enjoy Zzz’s much-needed rest.
      • Staycations instead of vacations: Don’t worry if going to fancy places is not within your means. Instead, use up your vacation days on “staycations.” Explore different cool things happening within your city, like museums, parks or any other place you’ve been eyeing for pizza, to add more taste to life. Even changing locations serves as a mood booster, which helps overcome stress.

      5. Move Your Body, Boost Your Mood

      As I already mentioned, both physical and mental health are interconnected. Exercise is like a happy machine for your brain; it makes happy chemicals (endorphins) that fight off the grumpies and make you feel smiley again.

      The best part? You don't have to be a super-strong weightlifter. Find something that makes you move your body and feels good! Maybe it's going for a walk with your bestie, dancing like nobody's watching (even if it is just you! ), or playing tag in the park. Even just 30 minutes a few times a week can make a big difference!

      Here are some ways to make exercise more fun and engaging:

      • Exercise with a buddy: Grab a friend who makes you laugh and get moving together. Working out is way more fun with a partner in crime; you can cheer each other on or maybe even have a silly competition (who can make the funniest exercise face?).
      • Pump up the tunes: Create a playlist that's chock-full of those tunes that make you want to get jiggy. The right tunes can turn your workout into one-person dance parties. Imagine being a superhero with awesome moves!
      • Nature is your gym: Take your workout outdoors! Hike a new trail with friends, explore on your bike, or cool off with a splash pad adventure—grown-ups can be kids sometimes too! Sunlight and fresh air are like magic for your mood and body.

      6. Sleep And Rest Should Be Given Priority

      It’s easier said than done. Sleep is important for mental health and wellness, but sleeping problems are terrible and frustrating. Like pressing the reset button on your brain, getting a full night’s sleep often feels like. Try to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night in order to wake up feeling fantastic. See below for steps on transforming your bedroom into a peaceful haven for sleep.

      • Relax Before Sleep: Unwind before bed with relaxing activities such as taking a warm bath, reading a book or listening to some soothing music. An hour before bedtime, avoid screens, especially phones, which emit blue light that disrupts sleep.
      • Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Ensure that your bedroom is dimly lit, silent and cool. Purchase blackout curtains, earplug masks and a comfy mattress.
      • Stick to a Sleep Schedule: Even during weekends, go to bed at the same time you do every day, then wake up at the exact time every day. This helps keep your body’s natural circadian rhythm in check.

      7. Connect With Loved Ones And Build A Support Network

      Spend time with close ones to aid mental health

      Since we are essentially social animals, good social relationships will enhance one’s mental wellness. Try to spend more time with the closest people around you.

      Here's how to strengthen your social contacts:

      • Plan Regular Outings with Friends and Family: Try to set up weekly or monthly get-togethers with loved ones. It could be as simple as grabbing a cup of coffee, having a game night, or going for a hike.
      • Join a Club or Group: Make a group consisting of people whose interests are exactly alike. A book reading group, a sports team, or a volunteer group will provide you with like-minded people with whom you can connect for a sense of belonging and support.
      • Nurture Long-Distance Relationships: Nurture long-distance relationships through regular phone calls, video chats, or handwritten letters with loved ones who live really far away.

      8. Set Boundaries And Learn To Say No

      Set Boundaries for mental health

      Imagine that your mental health is like a glass jar filled with colorful marbles. Each marble represents your energy for different things in life. If you keep saying yes to everything and taking on too much, it's like cramming more and more marbles into the jar. Eventually, it gets so full that you feel overwhelmed, and those marbles (your energy) start spilling out. That's burnout!

      Setting boundaries is like putting a lid on a jar. It lets you know how much you can handle and helps you avoid feeling overloaded. Here's how to be a boundary boss for your mental health:

      • Speak Up: Be honest with friends, family, or coworkers about your limits. Phrases like "I'm feeling swamped right now" or "That sounds great, but I wouldn't have the energy to do it justice" are totally okay to say.
      • Respect their jar too: Just like you want your boundaries respected, be mindful of others'. Don't pressure them or overstep their limits.
      • The Power of No: It's okay to decline things! Saying no to something that drains your energy frees up those precious marbles for things that truly matter to you and keeps your mental health jar balanced.

      9. Limit Negative Influences

      Imagine you're a plant. You need sunshine and water to thrive, but too much negativity is like a constant downpour. It can drown out your happy vibes and make it hard to grow.

      Here's how to create your own sunshine garden for your mind:

      • Social Media Detox: Sometimes social media can feel like a chatty neighbor who only talks about drama. If certain accounts make you feel down or compare yourself to their perfectly filtered lives, it's okay to give them a break! Surround yourself with online peeps who inspire and uplift you, like those funny cat videos or that artist you admire.
      • News on a Schedule: The news can be a real downer sometimes. Instead of getting bombarded by bad news all day, set specific times to check in, like during your morning coffee. Avoid watching it right before bed, or it might give you bad dreams instead of sweet ones. Think of it like catching up with a friend who only talks about their problems—best done in small doses!
      • Positivity Pose: We all need friends who make us laugh and see the bright side. Spend time with people who energize you and make you feel good. Their positivity is contagious and will help your mental garden flourish! Think of them as the sunshine that helps your happy flowers bloom!

      10. Seek Help From The Professionals When Necessary

      Similar to visiting a physician when one is sick, it is alright to seek professional assistance when your mental health bothers you. Therapists assist in providing coping mechanisms and support for stress, anxiety, depression or any other form of mental health issue. It is not bad at all to ask for help; it can change your life in the best ways possible by leading to improved psychological well-being. Do not wait until you are in distress to start searching for assistance. Therapy can be a useful tool for anyone who wants their mind to be better. The following are some guidelines on how to find therapists:

      • Talk with your physician: A good place to find a therapist may be through your primary care doctor. They might have referrals or suggestions they could make.
      • Ask Friends and Family: If someone you know has had therapy that was successful, then recommend them.
      • Find a therapist using online resources: There are countless websites and directories available on the internet that list professionals within your location whom you can choose from depending upon where you live, what kind of insurance coverage they have, and what specialization they practice.


      Small steps can make a big difference when considering mental health. Mental health, being fundamental to a healthy existence, must be prioritized. Taking care of one's mental health is not a challenging game, but follow the simple tips given above and embrace a healthy you.

      Do share this blog post with others who may benefit from this information. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and taking the first step toward improving your mental health is a brave decision.